A Blind Woman’s Fight Against Tuberculosis
Analyn’s story is truly inspiring and humbling. Despite facing the challenges of Multi-Drug Resistant TB and blindness, she remains strong and resilient. Her determination to fight against this disease serves as a reminder that we should never take our good health for granted.
Watch the full story here https://youtu.be/W8uUhEnSQNs
It’s concerning to hear that Analyn couldn’t answer all of our questions about the support she receives from the government or her awareness of her rights as a person with a disability. This highlights the need for more attention to be given to individuals with disabilities, particularly those fighting against illnesses like TB. As a society, we must work towards creating an environment where every individual has access to adequate healthcare services and social support to help them overcome unexpected challenges.

As a group of TB Survivors, we understand the struggles faced by people with disabilities firsthand. Our founder and president, Ms. Louie, is herself a PWD as a result of TB, along with other survivors who now face impairments due to this disease. Therefore, it’s essential that we raise awareness of PWDs’ rights and ensure full access to healthcare facilities and other necessary resources. Let’s come together and work towards creating an environment where everyone is supported in their battles against disabilities.
This activity is supported by Stop TB Partnership Challenge Facility for Civil Society (CFCS) Round 10
#TBpeoplePH#TBFreePH#HealthyPilipinas#CFCS#HealthyLungs#StopTB#6MonthsMax#TBAlliance#YesWeCanEndTB#EndTB#FastTrackTheCure#PWD#DeadlyDivide#Disability#SupportNewNovelRegimen#USAID#FHI360#TBIHSS#TibayNgBayanihangPinoyPhilippine Blind UnionResources for the Blind, Inc. PhilippinesNational Council on Disability Affairs (Government)