About Us
Company Profile: TBpeople Philippines
Business Address: | 54 Margie Moran Street BFRV, Talon Dos Las Pinas City 1740 |
Date Established: | March 2, 2020 |
Date of Initial Operation: | March 2, 2020 |
Nature of Business: | Training, Social Entrepreneurship, TB Education and Advocacy |
Ownership: | Non Government Organization |

Our Mission
Our mission is to fix the stigma associated with the communicable disease and lessen the negative experiences due to discrimination faced by our Persons treating TB and our increasing champion survivors. TBpeople Philippines Organization Inc. will continuously find protection for the affected by socio-economic and legal barriers of this global health crisis.
Our Vision
Our Vision is to have empowered persons with TB and change policies applicable to the sector nationwide.
Our Core Values
Integrity – We do what is right even if nobody is watching.
Empowerment – Sharing experiences and best practices, making the best out of the situation.
Diversity and Inclusivity – No gender, No Status, No Race discrimination. We are all in this together.
Social Responsibility – Care, Support, and Protect. The world is divided into too many factions but you can count on us in helping you win your battle against Tuberculosis.
About Our Founder
- TBpeople Global 1st face to face meeting. TBpeople Ukraine, TBpeople Pakistan, and TBpeople Philippines in StopTB Partnership Community Summit.

- Ms. Louie and the selected board members from CKAT registered TBpeople Philippines
- In January 2020, TBpeople Global has offered Ms. Louie a seed grant to register CKAT as TBpeople Philippines. This was the grant coming from GlobalFund in the project of creating national chapters of the affected community of the communicable disease.
- In May 13, 2019, TBpeople and StopTB Partnership have Globally Launched the ‘Declaration of Rights of Persons affected by Tuberculosis’. CKAT was actively participating in the draft of the declaration and Louie serving as the Regional Focal Person for Asia Pacific to collect these data.
- In October 2019, TBpeople released another regional survey for inclusive NSP National Strategic Planning for Community. Louie collected Qualitative and Quantative data from TB burden countries in the region, and saw the lacking implementation of GPP Good Participatory Practice and proper representation of the community in all levels.
- In January 2018, ACT AP co-hosted a workshop with International Federation of Red Cross (IFRC). This is to help with the upcoming TB HLM in New York. CKAT was listed to be one of the groups to do local campaign on the result of the UNGA High Level Forum.
- In the WHO RGLC meeting in Manila March 2018, CKAT helped collecting interviews from current patients in their respective health centers. This was regarding ‘Innovations on PMDT’. CKAT members provided forms of confidentiality and patients willingly answered the provided questions and even provided alternatives to the government on how to cater to patients’ needs. These interview videos were a big accomplishment for CKAT as a volunteer group. From the requesting for health center for recommending of patients, from the providing of consent forms, to the performing of interviews in a requested venue, to the video editing with English captioning was all from the CKAT members.
- Ms. Louie participated in the UNGA Civil Society hearing in New York on June 2018. In addition, she was also requested again to be part of TBPeople steering committee and be the first Asian to join the European created group. CKAT was the first Asian group to be part of TBPeople founded by Timur Abdullaev of Uzbekistan.
- Ms. Louie represented TDF, CKAT, ACT AP, TBPeople, and WHO in New York on June 2018. She spoke to the Philippine Mission on equity and government allotment, Japan Mission on supporting of community lead organizations like CKAT and importance to those who are with disability and in the senior age, and gave an intervention during the civil society hearing regarding lacking implementation of international and local laws on patients with disability. During a meeting hosted by Treatment Action Group (TAG), on side meetings during TB HLM in New York, she who was one of the speakers beside GTP Director Dr. Tereza Kasaeva was approached by UK Researchers on a possible session in Netherlands. The UK Researchers wanted to highlight the lacking community engagement for applied research on TB and requested her to feature grass roots stories for the UNION Netherlands session in November 2018 with the help of the CKAT. Another group that connected to her was Michael Moore from PATH.org in Washington DC, who intends to create a committee on TB and Disability. This committee was commenced and had its first face to face meeting with other leaders during the UNION Netherlands. CKAT is listed as one of its possible recipient for disability prevalence survey projects and other advocacy platforms.
- In December 2018, WHO and Korean Institute on Tuberculosis (KIT), hosted a community engagement workshop for advocates in the region in Seoul. The Philippines participants were the President of Samahan Lusog Baga (SLB), and doctors from PHILCAT. The agenda for the workshop is to create a National Platform in each country. It was concluded that the meeting will be known as the Korea Declaration on Community Engagement for Service Delivery, Demand Generation, and Monitoring and Evaluation. CKAT is to help SLB in formulating methods to do the engagement in the TB program.
- In January 2017, Louie was selected to be the WHO Regional Green Light Committee (RGLC) Temporary Adviser and Community Representative with another representative from Papua New Guinea on HIV. CKAP TB contributed on community feedback during the WHO RGLC meeting in Japan 2017, WHO Global GLC in Geneva 2017, and ACT AP first planning session 2017.

- CKAP TB was updated on all the international communications with the use of social media and messenger group chats. A Facebook page was started that had more than 80 requests from former and on-going patients needing information on advocacy. CKAP TB started to collect only from graduate patients data, and their views on existing TB program, their inabilities to do volunteerism because of the policy on allowances, and issues on discrimination on employment because there are no institutions that can be asked for services. Each of the CKAP TB members identified pro-active members in the group and contributed on ideas on how to set online platforms, doing of logos, advocacy methods, and how to do proposals. TDF was one of the local foundations that CKAP TB requested for on seed money. The name CKAP TB then was changed to Coalition of Key Advocates fighting Tuberculosis (CKAT). CKAT was then introduced to the Global StopTB Partnership Forum in Thailand July 2017.
- Ms. Louie was invited to be one of the TB HLM Advisory Panel in Mexico 2017.
- In November 2016, GCTA has partnered with GFAN Asia Pacific and hosted a workshop in Bangkok Thailand inviting 70 individuals from the region. This was the creation of Activists Coalition on TB Asia Pacific (ACT AP). Ms. Louie was voted to be one of the steering committees that has objectives on changing the bio-medical approach on TB, giving access to those who has pre-existing or that resulted to disability, and interventions to give more voice to the affected. This is where Louie has introduced the PSG LGU group to ACT AP and renamed it Coalition of Key Advocates of the Philippines on TB (CKAP TB).
- In March 2015, Ms. Louie was requested to go to Australia in Sydney and Canberra to help the pledge of Results Australia for a 30 Million Australian Dollars to then Foreign Minister Julie Bishop. This was for the new diagnostic machines for TB, medicines for HIV, and tools for Malaria. Louie emphasized the need for community engagement and the need for civil society strengthening. The same year, Global Fund Advocates Network (GFAN) selected her to be one of the Bureau of Speakers for the Global Fund replenishment. Online articles and videos were created for the speakers and she was invited to Belgium and South Korea to meet with the Members of Parliament and seek for their support in the replenishment that coming year

- Results Australia who sponsored the visit of Louie to Sydney and Canberra started to support the Patient Support Group on Local Government Unit (PSG LGU) that the advocates are trying to establish in October 2015. PSG LGU was just created during the PCCM workshop and was amongst the participants who are looking for change and a new strategy coming from the affected. PSG LGU started to give free online workshops to survivors on how to start the domestic funding for TB medicines and diagnostics. It was featured in one of the videos created by GFAN on the life story of Louie. Workshops were given to selected advocates from NCR and near regions, on lobbying to the local government and how to do media tools like EPIC tool from ACTION.org, for ACSM (Advocacy, Communication, and Social Mobilization)) from WHO WPRO, and Institutional Mapping of local policies. PSG LGU was to just educate the community voluntarily and temporarily. Ms. Louie also aims to educate the identified advocates regarding the United Nations Convention on Rights of Persons with Disability (UNCRPD).

- Ms. Louie was again invited by Results Australia to help commence the Global Tuberculosis Caucus Asia Pacific in Sydney with Members of Parliament from the countries in the region in November 2015. She invited Dr. Angelina Tan who was a Congresswoman that created the TB Law RA 10767.

- GCTA was introduced by Ms. Louie to the local service providers in this year in Asian Institute of Management (AIM) in Baguio City on Philippine Country Coordinating Mechanism (PCCM) of GlobalFund on Human Rights.

- In September 2014, WHO Western Pacific Region invited civil society representatives from countries on a workshop on Advocacy, Communication, and Social Mobilization (ACSM). Ms. Louie as a former WHO HQ intern and recognized community representative has been asked to participate and invited 2 other participants from the Baguio PCCM workshop to learn how to do policy proposals to the local and national government. Usage of media and creation of budgets were given to participants, and the aim to make a Philippine National Platform was envisioned.
- In this year, the UNION Assembly Barcelona in Spain discussed the difficulties of the creation of community groups. Ms. Louie co-hosted a plenary and gave sessions on “Advocates on the Frontline” and “Disability after TB”, which was the reported most attended session. These were the first sessions hosted by the civil society in all UNION ceremonies. The creation of Community Space in UNION Lung Health Assemblies was started after the Barcelona 2014.

- In this year, StopTB Partnership hosted an international advocacy group called Global Coalition of Tuberculosis Activists (GCTA). It selected 6 regional representatives to echo the lacking service delivery for the faster eradication of the communicable disease. The representative for Asia Pacific is no other than Ms. Louie.
- Global Coalition of Tuberculosis Activists was launched in the same year during the UNION assembly in France.

- Ms. Louie took her internship in World Health Organization (WHO) Headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland. During her internship, the Global Tuberculosis Program (GTP) invited her for a stakeholders meeting annually done by the office in another department on Non Communicable Disease on Disability and Rehabilitation and was asked to do advocacy on her Tuberculosis case.

- After graduating from the Masters, Louie was invited to the UNION Assembly in Malaysia November 2012 to represent for the very first time the community of Tuberculosis globally. This UNION Assembly was the start of the pillar on Advocacy by Dr. Lucica Ditiu of StopTB Partnership who supported Louie during the session on the needed community driven approaches.

- Ms. Louie’s dedication continued when she took another degree on a Masters in Public Policy in American SIS in Washington DC on October 2011.

- During this time, the proposal of the patient support group was cancelled after the TDF suspension from GlobalFund.
- Ms. Louie finished her treatment in this year and was requested by Dr. Thelma Tupasi of TDF to be the head patient support of four (4) health centers to do same strategies she is doing for her disability federation. These health centers are located in Tala in Bataan, Tayuman in Manila, Quezon Institute in Quezon City and in Makati.
- In this year, TBpeople Philippines Organization Inc. Executive Officer Ms. Eloisa “Louie” Zepeda-Teng who was then an architect by profession was diagnosed with TB Meningitis that led to the loss of her sight and undergone Multi-Drug treatment of 24 months duration under Tropical Disease Foundation (TDF).

- A graduate of BS in Architecture In Mapua Institute of Technology.

- A true blue scholastican, a graduate from primary to secondary level education of Saint Scholastica’s College in Manila.