TBpeople Philippines OSSS (One Stop Shop Screening) search for TB program

In line with Active Case Finding (AFC) Program of the Department of Health (DOH) National Tuberculosis Control Program (NTB) aims for a Tuberculosis (TB)-free Philippines. One Stop Shop Screening Centre is a key initiative to offer TB screening, testing and treatment on the same day, at the same location, in an effort to reduce the incidence and mortality of TB in our country.

The services offer in the One Stop Screening Centre are Chest X-Ray, TBPCR Test.

TBPeople Philippines has received numerous calls from the public daily in seek for TB screening or testing related enquires. Although Chest X-Ray is a common and effective tool for screening TB, many affected individuals and households are still unable to get it.

Hence, there is a need to adopt new technology such as Chest x-ray with artificial intelligence (AI) to rapidly services around 2.5 million Filipinos with TB. WHO outlines in the latest manual that AI may be used in CXRs for screening and triage of TB and creating an end to end platform can ensure quick diagnosis, which is crucial for patient treatment.

In partnership with Radisen Technology to provide affordable Chest X-Ray imaging with report on the same day. To register Click Here

Radisen is very honored to partner with TBPeople and Topical Disease Foundation, to establish the very First one stop screening centre in the Philippines. Our CXR AI will triage and prioritize abnormal chest X-rays, and patients will receive their treatment more quickly. We are confident the collaborative support will pave the way in our success to eliminate TB in the Philippines.

Radisen Chairman Dr. Ra Yunju

 If you are interested to know more about our One Stop Shop Screening Centre, you can visit us at


Other links:

Tropical Disease Foundation at: