TBpeople Philippines Visits Tiny Blessings Foudnation
TBpeoplePH in cooperation with the Tropical Disease Foundation, visits Tiny Blessings Foundation, it serves as a school and home
for 60 homeless children under their program. Tiny Blessings Foundation started seeking help when some of the children were diagnosed with #tuberculosis. Thankfully, TBpeoplePH and the Tropical Disease Foundation are collaborating
to extend help. It’s heartwarming to see organizations come together to support those who need it most.

Watch their story here https://youtu.be/zGJieMsSu20
We’re so glad that there are foundations like Tiny Blessings that exist to take care of these children. They provide not only basic needs but also education. Education is important because it’s key to breaking the cycle of poverty. By providing education, Tiny Blessings is giving these children a chance for a brighter future. We hope that other organizations and individuals will also support this cause and help improve the lives of homeless children who are suffering from various diseases such as tuberculosis.
That’s why it’s so important for organizations like TBpeoplePH, the Tropical Disease Foundation, and Tiny Blessings to step up and provide support for these vulnerable populations. And we can all do our part by supporting these causes in any way we can – whether it’s through volunteering, donating, or spreading awareness. So let’s get involved and start making positive change today!
Supported by Stop TB Partnership#TBpeoplePH#TBFreePH#HealthyPilipinas#TDF#TinyBlessings#StopTB#HealthyLungs#EndTB#6MonthsMax#TBAlliance#YesWeCanEndTB#FastTrackTheCure#DeadlyDivide#SupportNewNovelRegimen#TibayNgBayanihangPinoy