The Joint HIV And TB Key Affected Population Consultation Meeting – Visayas and Mindanao (January 22-25, 2023)
Delegates from TBpeople Philippines Organization Inc. and TBpeoplePH Cebu attended the Joint HIV and TB Key Affected Population Consultation Conference – Visayas and Mindanao from January 22–25, 2023. The Philippine Country Coordination Mechanism (PCCM) coordinated this gathering. Representatives from the major impacted communities in the Visayas and Mindanao attended the conference, which was hosted at the Diamond Suites and Residence in Cebu City. With the assistance of the Stop TB Partnership Challenge Facility for Civil Society (CFCS), TBpeople Philippines Organization Inc. is honored to participate in this significant occasion that aims to foster cooperation between significant affected populations, civil society organizations, and policymakers for the said consultation meeting.

The meeting was a great opportunity for representatives to share ideas, insights, and stories with each other as they strived towards the same goal – creating a better future for those affected by HIV and TB. The atmosphere was filled with positivity and enthusiasm as everyone worked together in discussing potential solutions that could make a difference in their respective communities. TBpeople Philippines Organization Inc. is committed to this cause and will continue working with key stakeholders to improve the health of those most vulnerable in our society.
It was inspiring to witness the determination of each individual as they worked towards building a better future for people affected by HIV and TB. Everyone spokes with passion and conviction, expressing their ideas on how we could work together to make positive changes in our communities. Every voice mattered and was heard, no matter if it was from Mindanao or Visayas, Cebu City or beyond. The amount of collaboration between all parties was truly remarkable; everyone had something valuable to contribute that was recognized and respected by everyone else in attendance.
TBpeople Philippines Organization Inc. is dedicated to advocating for those most vulnerable in society, providing resources and support to ensure that every voice can be heard loud and clear. We will continue working with key stakeholders to ensure that those who are living with HIV and TB have access to the care, treatment, and support they need. We will also continue to advocate for improved policies and systems to help reduce stigma in our society so that everyone can live without fear of judgment or discrimination. It’s only when we all work together that we can make a lasting impact on our communities.
Together, we can build a better future for people affected by HIV and TB. The incredible power of collaboration is something that should never be underestimated. Working together, we can create positive change and help those who are facing tough times due to HIV and TB. By uniting our voices and speaking out for the vulnerable in our communities, we can make a difference. We have already seen amazing changes happen when everyone comes together and stands up for what they believe in.
TBpeople Philippines Organization Inc. is committed to ensuring that every voice matters and that each person is heard. Through our collaborative efforts, we will continue to fight against stigma and discrimination so that people living with HIV and TB can access the care and support they need without fear or shame. With all of us working together, there’s no limit to what we can achieve.
By banding together, we can create an inclusive and supportive environment where everyone is accepted without fear of judgment or discrimination. We have the potential to make a huge difference in our communities by using our combined power to advocate for those living with HIV and TB. Our unified voices will help ensure that they receive the care they need while reducing stigma and discrimination. When we all come together, amazing things can happen – not just for those affected by HIV and TB but also for society as a whole. With solidarity and collaboration, we can bring about positive change for everyone.